Image of buttercup the pony, next to the words 'hello splunk'
A whole new world, with a familiar twist.

A distinguished engineer

Today I started a brand new role at Splunk. I’ve joined as Distinguished Engineer in the Security group as UI Architect of SaaS Applications.

In 1997 I founded (don’t visit the site). It was one of the most significant security-related websites on the internet for a while. We used to get millions of visitors a week and had 20+ contributors on the platform.

What happened to it?

Music, Girls, and Alcohol got in the way. Like a fool, I closed it down in 2002.

Security was my original jam

Time to get back into the groove. It’s been two decades since I last played in that arena.

I can’t wait to start some fires. I am now a Splunker, Wish me luck.