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    CLI commands

    If you want to actually do anything with vacuum, you will need to use a command. Learn about them here.

    Generate RuleSet

    Generate a ready to run ruleset for vacuum.

    Language Server

    Lint OpenAPI specs in realtime using your favorite editor with vacuum’s built in LSP compatible language server.

    Bundle Spec

    Bundle OpenAPI specification with external references into a single file.


    A quick way to know which version you’re on.


    View linting report in a cool dashboard UI.

    HTML Report

    View linting report in a browser, in style.

    Spectral Report

    Build a Spectral compatible JSON report

    vacuum Report

    Build a ‘vacuum sealed’ report that is re-playable.


    Lint an OpenAPI spec and see results in the console.


    Handling remote, or relative external references in specifications