This checks that all schemas have a valid type, and perform basic type validation on the schema based on the JSON Schema specification.
Why did this violation appear?
The schema identified does not have a valid type. Allowed types:
- string
- number
- integer
- boolean
- array
- object
If the schema does contain one of these types, it’s failed one of the other type checks, such as:
- minLength - The minimum length of the string
- maxLength - The maximum length of the string
- pattern - A ECMA-262 regular expression pattern to match against
- minimum - The minimum value of the number
- maximum - The maximum value of the number
- exclusiveMinimum - The minimum value of the number, exclusive
- exclusiveMaximum - The maximum value of the number, exclusive
- multipleOf - The number must be a multiple of this value
- minProperties - The minimum number of properties allowed
- maxProperties - The maximum number of properties allowed
- required - The required properties of the object
- minItems - The minimum number of items allowed
- maxItems - The maximum number of items allowed
- minContains - The minimum number of items that must match the ‘contains’ schema
- maxContains - The maximum number of items that must match the ‘contains’ schema
How do I fix this violation?
Fix the schema type and corresponding type validation.