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    Formats: Severity:

    JSON Path: $.info

    Contact Information should be pretty self-explanatory (I hope). This rule checks that the contact object has been set on the Information Object

    Why did this violation appear?

    There is no contact object set in the info object. The info object may also be missing.

    What is this rule checking for?

    The following properties are checked to ensure they have been defined.

    • info contact

    Bad example

      title: Chicken Nuggets Inc. Developer API
      description: This contract has no

    Good example

      title: Chicken Nuggets Inc. Developer API
      description: |
        Want nuggets? Need API driven chicken nugget delivery? We got you covered. Built by nugget fanatics.     
        name: Chicken Nuggets Inc.
        url: https://chicken-nugnugs.com
        email: dev-team@chicken-nugnugs.com

    How do I fix this violation?

    Ensure name, email and url have been defined as part of the specification Contact Information

    Spectral Equivalent

    The rule is equivalent to contact-properties