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    Formats: Severity:

    When configuring Servers in OpenAPI, its important to ensure correctness, so tooling can inspect endpoints automatically.

    Mis-configured server configurations will damage automation capabilities for the contract.

    What is this rule checking for?

    • Server definitions exist
    • Contains URL
    • URL is valid
    • URL does not contain a trailing slash

    Why did this violation appear?

    The servers object is missing from the spec, or one of more entries contain an invalid URL.

    Bad example

      - url: "I am not a URL"
      - url: "httpWRONG//i-am-not-valid"
      - url: "https://i-end-with-a-slash.com/"

    How do I fix this violation?

    Make sure there are servers definitions and that all the URLs are correct.

    Spectral Equivalent

    The rule is equivalent to oas3-api-servers